International Seminars on Surface Physics
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International Seminars on Surface Physics (originally Seminars on Surface Physics) were organized in the years 1976-2000 following the initiative of Professor Zbigniew Sidorski (1925-1984), then the Director of the Institute of Experimental Physics of the University of Wrocław.
The Seminars were devoted to both experimental and theoretical investigations of atomic and electronic structure of solid surfaces. The topics of the Seminar included a broad area of surface processes and surface phenomena, experimental probes and techniques: adsorption and desorption phenomena, dynamics of molecule-surface interaction, surface reactions, diffusion and dynamics of surface atoms, nucleation and growth, segregation at alloys surfaces, collective excitations, charge transfer in atom-surface scattering, Auger electron spectroscopy, structural investigations of surfaces (cf. with photoelectron diffraction, scanning tunneling microscopy, spectroscopy of scattered ions), electronic structure of metallic surfaces, thin films and clusters. Originally annual, from 1992, the Seminar was organized biannually in various resort places in Lower Silesia (Poland). The Seminars usually gathered 100-120 participants from many countries (including about 20-30 invited lecturers of internationally recognized reputation). The Seminar enabled the community of Polish surface scientists to initiate many fruitful collaborations with the leading scientific centers in the world. The Proceedings of the Seminar were published initially in Surface Research issue of Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis (AUW) and since 1987 as single issues of refereed international journals (Acta Physica Polonica, Surface Science, Progress in Surface Science, Vacuum). |